Brew cask install -appdir= ' /Applications ' handbrake # brew cask install -appdir='/Applications' gimp # brew cask install -appdir='/Applications' inkscape # Remove comment to install LaTeX distribution MacTeX # brew cask install -appdir='/Applications' mactex # Link cask apps to Alfred # brew cask alfred link # Install Docker, which.
The font “FontAwesome” cannot be found
I met this error when using XeLaTeX with the package moderncv.
Many people recommend MacTeX, which is a much bigger package than you need. BasicTex is produced by the same people who make MacTeX, but without, e.g., the GUI applications that make it so slow to download and install. $ brew install basictex; Restart Terminal. Convert LaTeX to PDF. Homebrew’s package index. Name: MacTeX Full TeX Live distribution with GUI applications.
This is due to in fontawesome.sty, it referenced FontAwesome by its name, but my MacTeX didn’t install the font into system (This time I installed with homebrew cask.)
locate fontawesome.sty in system. It can be found in error message.
In my case it is in:
replace the “2018” with the version you have.
Then edit the file with root permission from:
Again, remember to replace the “2018” with the version you have.
18viewsTable of Contents
- system settings
- homebrew
- python
- python3
- virtualbox and vagrant
Another installation of my personal notes for setting up a new (orcleanly installed) MacOS computer. The process changes just a bit witheach new OS version. I have made an attempt to record the steps inorder (for example, even entering commands is somewhat painful until Ihave iTerm with familiar keyboard settings).
Somewhat glossed over here are manual steps used to transfernon-public dotfiles, credentials, etc. Here's a partial list of filesand directories that I copied directly from my old laptop:
Note that none of these steps require an Apple ID - I held off onsigning in until the very end just to see if it was possible.
system settings
turn off spelling autocorrect
unmap Control + left,right
I use Control plus the left and right arrow keys to move betweenwindows in emacs and tmux.
Turn on FileVault
I used a recovery key option rather than iCloud for my work machine, iCloud for personal
Developer tools
Pretty much the first thing that needs to happen. This can be donefrom the command line:
Update a few settings.
Preferences –> Profiles –> Keys and do these things:
- select 'Left/right option key acts as': +Esc
- + –> Keyboard shortcut 'OPT+<left arrow>': Send Escape sequence 'b'
- + –> Keyboard shortcut 'OPT+<right arrow>': Send Escape sequence 'f'
Default appearance:
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- Preferences –> Profiles –> Colors –> Load Presets –> Light Background
- Preferences –> Profiles –> Text –> Change Font –> 14 point
Homebrew no longer requires user-ownership of /usr/local, so thingsare pretty easy now:
homebrew API token
Apparently lots of requests to GutHub via homebrew can hit a rate limit. There's a higher limit if you create an API token. See
Here's the url for the token creation dialog:
Make sure that all 'scopes' are unchecked. Once you generate the token, add to your shell profile:
Terminal applications
Many packages are installed later with additional elaboration or in asdependencies for other applications; here are some more or lessstandalone packages that I routinely install.
desktop applications
Homebrew installs desktop apps too!
Some of the above (eg, sizeup, dropbox, dash) require licenses andcredentials that must be installed interactively.
Mojave seems to ship with Python 2.7.10 and no python3, so let's usehomebrew to get recent versions of both.
I try to limit packages installed to the system to utilities that arevery frequently used outside of the context of a virtualenv.
Mactex Brewer
Run brew info python
for required and optional dependencies
Brew Mactex-no-gui
Note that 'python' corresponds to the python3 homebrew recipe.
A limited selection of packages - better to use virtualenvs!
Note that scons
wants to install man pages to /usr/local/man
, which is owned by root. You'll need to do this first:
Install latest emacs binary from
Emacs needs a few homebrew packages Firefox apple m1.
Check out my .emacs.d and run setup scripts.
For elpy:
Install zsh with Homebrew
Change shell to zsh
Install my dotfiles (relevant only to me)
I had to give up on installing R with homebrew because it seemed toresult in an interpreter that always wanted to install packages fromsource. So I used the binary from
Epson v600 vuescan. Some packages that I know I'll need:
Wow, this takes a long time!
This installs multiple versions of postgres. You'll need to add thepath to the CLI for the version you want to use to your PATH, eg:
install Xquartz
X11 key bindings so that the option key is used for Meta. Not sorelevant any more now that I rarely use emacs via X11 for remotesessions.
virtualbox and vagrant
The command to install virtualbox will prompt you to allow a kernelextension in system preferences.
After virtualbox is installed, launch the application, go topreferences, and change default machine folder to ~/VirtualBox
- available vagrant images:
install an ubuntu16.04 VM
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