Markdown Mattermost

Use the Mattermost Search field to find messages, replies, and the contents of files shared across all channels you’re a member of in your team’s conversation history. File content search is available now in Mattermost Cloud, and in Mattermost Server from v5.35, with mobile support coming soon.

Searching for Message Contents¶

Select the Search field, then type your search criteria.

Mencari aplikasi messenger baru untuk komputer Linux Anda? Berikut adalah 10 aplikasi messenger baru untuk Linux yang harus Anda coba. In this post I want to describe how I configured my Mattermost server step by step. I made some assumptions about hosts, distros and setup that simplified the whole process. With those assumptions. A podcast about design. One pint of Guinness. Learn more about GitLab Release 9.1.3, 9.0.7, and 8.17.6 for GitLab Community Edition (CE) and Enterprise Edition (EE). BetterDiscord-Themes-and-Plugins - Collection of my BetterDiscord themes and plugins.

When message results display in the Search Results pane, select Jump to view the full message in context.


Message results return first automatically if a message search isn’t specified. In the Search Results pane, select Messages or Files to switch between results.

Searching for File Contents¶

Select the Search field, select Files, then type your search criteria.

File contents that match on file name, or contain matching text content within supported document types, are returned in the Search Results pane. Each search result includes file name, extension, and size details, as well as details about when and where the file was originally shared.

  • For Mattermost Cloud workspaces, supported document file formats include PDF, DOCX, PPTX, ODT, HTML, and plain text documents. RTF and PAGES file formats, as well as the contents of ZIP files, are not supported.

  • For Mattermost Server deployments, supported document file formats include PDF, PPTX, ODT, HTML, and plain text documents.

    • System Admins can extend file content search support to include:

      • files shared before upgrading to Mattermost Server v5.35.

      • DOCX, RTF, and PAGES file formats.

      • documents within ZIP files.

To narrow search results further, in the Search Results pane, select the File Type Filter option, then select specific file types, such as documents, spreadsheets, or images.


Select the Channel Files icon below the channel name to access files recently shared in that channel.


Search Modifiers¶

You can apply search modifiers to any search to reduce the number of results returned. Select a search modifier to add it to the Search field. Supported modifiers are described below.

from: and in:

Use from: to find messages or files from specific users.For example, searching from:john.smith only returns content from your Direct Message history with John Smith.

Use in: to find messages or files posted in specific Public channels, Private channels, Direct Messages, or Group Messages. You can specify channels by display name or channel ID.For example, searching Mattermostin:town-square only returns results in the Town Square Public channel that contains the term Mattermost, while searching Mattermostin:john.doe only returns results that contains the term Mattermost in your Direct Message history with John Smith.

before:, after:, and on:

Phitronics laptops & desktops driver. Use before: to find messages or files posted before a specified date.

Use after: to find messages or files posted after a specified date.

Use both before: and after: together to search in a specified date range.

Use on: to find messages files posted on a specific date. Use the date picker to select a date, or type it in YYYY-MM-DD format.


  • Searching websitebefore:2018-09-01 returns messages or files containing the term website posted prior to September 1, 2018.

  • Searching websiteafter:2018-08-01 returns messages or files containing the term website posted after August 1, 2018.

  • Searching websitebefore:2018-09-01after:2018-08-01 returns all messages or files containing the term website posted between August 1, 2018 and September 1, 2018.

  • Searching websiteon:2018-09-01 returns messages or files containing the term website posted on September 1, 2018.


Use the hyphen - symbol to exclude terms from your search results. For example, searching test-release only returns results that include the term test and exclude the term release.

This exclusion modifier can be used in combination with other modifiers to further refine search results. For example, searching test-release-in:release-discussion-from:eric returns all results with the term test, excludes posts with the term release, excludes posts made in the release-discussion channel, and excludes messages sent in Direct Messages by eric.

Quotation Marks¶

Use quotation marks '' to return search results for exact terms. For example, searching 'Mattermostwebsite' returns messages containing the exact phrase Mattermostwebsite, but doesn’t return results containing Mattermost and website as separate terms.


Use the asterisk * symbol for wildcard searches that match within words. For example, searching rea* returns messages or files containing reach, reason, reality, real, and other words starting with rea.


Hashtags are searchable labels for messages. Anyone can create a hashtag in a message by using the pound sign # followed by alphanumeric or other unicode characters. Hashtag examples include: #bug, #marketing, #user_testing, #per.iod, #check-in, #마케팅

Valid hashtags:

  • Don’t start with a number.

  • Are at least three characters long, excluding the #.

  • Are made up of alphanumeric or other unicode characters.

  • May contain dots, dashes, or underscores.

To search for messages containing hashtags, select a hashtag in an existing post, or type the hashtag (including the pound # symbol) into the search bar.


Hashtags don’t link to channels. If you have a channel named “Marketing”, selecting a #marketing hashtag does not take you to the Marketing channel. To link to public channels, use the tilde ~ symbol followed by the channel name. For example ~marketing.

Notes About All Searches¶

  • Multiple-word searches return results that contain all of your search criteria.

  • Search modifiers can help narrow down searches. See the Search Modifiers section for details.

  • You can search Archived channels as long as you’re a member of that channel.

    • If you’re unable to see messages or files in archived channels in your search results, ask your System Admin if Allow users to view archived channels has been disabled under System Console > Site Configuration > Users and Teams.

    • To remove archived channels from your search results, you can leave the Archived channels.

  • Like many search engines, common words such as the, which, and are (known as “stop words”), as well as two-letter and one-letter search terms, are not shown in search results because they typically return too many results. See the Technical Notes section for details.

  • IP addresses (e.g. don’t return results.

Technical Notes¶

Searching Chinese, Korean, and Japanese¶

  • The best experience for searching in Chinese, Korean, and Japanese is to use MySQL 5.7.6 or later with special configuration. See the Chinese, Japanese and Korean Search documentation for details.

  • You can perform searches without this configuration by adding wildcards * to the end of search terms.

Differences between PostgreSQL and MySQL Search¶

By default, Mattermost uses full text search support included in MySQL and PostgreSQL. These databases have slightly different search behavior. Check Main Menu > About Mattermost to see which database you’re using.

For example, different databases have different “stop words” filtered out of search results. See MySQL or PostgreSQL database documentation for a full list.

Other database-specific differences include:


  • Email addresses don’t return results.

  • Hashtags or recent mentions of usernames containing a dash don’t return results.

  • Terms containing a dash return incorrect results since dashes are ignored in the search engine.


  • Hashtags or recent mentions of usernames containing a dot don’t return results.

  • Stop words that are excluded from search in MySQL include: 'a','about','an','are','as','at','be','by','com','de','en','for','from','how','i','in','is','it','la','of','on','or','that','the','this','to','was','what','when','where','who','will','with','und','the','www'.

Available in Mattermost Enterprise Edition E20, Mattermost Cloud Professional, and Mattermost Cloud Enterprise.

Incidents are situations which require an immediate response, and incidents benefit from a clearly defined process that guides toward resolution. Mattermost Incident Collaboration equips your team to coordinate, manage, and resolve incidents from within Mattermost:

  • Starting an incident automatically creates a dedicated incident channel to coordinate discussion.

    • Use custom categories in the channel sidebar to streamline access to ongoing incidents.

  • Playbooks define the tasks toward resolution as your team manages the incident.

    • Define your playbooks in advance with automated actions such as creating a Jira ticket, starting a Zoom call, or finding out who is on-call in Opsgenie.

  • Reviewing the timeline and conversation helps refine the process for future such incidents.

    • Export the incident channel conversation to conduct a post-mortem review.

Delivering more reliable services requires an efficient resolution process. Use Mattermost Incident Collaboration not only to resolve incidents more efficiently, but also to learn from past incidents and refine the process your team relies upon for success.

For Cloud deployments

Mattermost Format Text

Mattermost Incident Collaboration is included in the Mattermost Cloud workspace, enabled by default, and upgraded automatically.

For self-managed deployments

Mattermost Incident Collaboration is available in the Plugin Marketplace:

  1. As a System Admin, go to Main Menu > Plugin Marketplace.

  2. Search for Incident Collaboration.

  3. Select Install if not yet installed, then select Configure to enable.

  4. From the plugin configuration page, set Enable Plugin to true.

  5. Select Save to enable the plugin.

Mattermost Incident Collaboration has the following components:

  • Incidents are situations that require an immediate response. Every reported incident results in a newly-created, public or private incident channel exposing a custom user interface for collaboration and resolution.

  • Playbooks define the process to guide an incident toward resolution. Playbooks are created in advance by defining the tasks, checklists, and other configuration used during an incident.

  • Tasks are the discrete actions to be taken when resolving an incident. As the necessary work is completed, the team should mark the tasks as complete. During an incident, tasks may be assigned to a member of the incident channel to communicate ownership.

  • The Commander is a defined role during the incident. This person is responsible for ensuring forward momentum on resolving the incident. By default, the reporter of the incident starts as the commander, but the commander may be changed at any time to another member of the incident channel.

  • Slash commands may be assigned to tasks defined in the playbook to help to streamline common actions.


From v1.3.0, stages have been renamed to checklists, and serve only as a grouping mechanism for tasks. Tasks from any checklist may now be completed at any time.

To access Mattermost Incident Collaboration:

  • From the Main Menu, select Incident Collaboration to view stats, review incidents of which you are a member, and configure playbooks. System Admins have unrestricted access.

  • From the channel header, select the Incidents icon to open the right-hand sidebar. From there, create a new incident or collaborate on active incidents of which you are a member.

Playbooks and incidents are associated with teams in Mattermost. Starting an incident prompts for a name, description, and playbook. The name and description are used as the initial channel name and channel description, but may be modified later. The selected playbook defines the process (using tasks or checklists), how incident statuses are communicated, and whether or not the incident channel is Public or Private. Read more about Public and Private channels.

Playbooks are always private by default. Membership in the playbook is required to configure the playbook or start an incident using that playbook. Once an incident is started, any member of the team may be added to the incident channel. Users who are not members of the team are unable to access playbooks or incidents belonging to that team.

While the commander of an incident has a dedicated, named role, all members of an incident channel have unrestricted access to modify the current state of the incident. This permissive access model ensures the incident is never blocked on any one individual. Use Private channels and channel membership to restrict access, or configure the playbook as public if everyone on the team is trusted with access to the incident.

During an ongoing incident, use the channel to communicate status updates to stakeholders without requiring their membership in the incident channel. Providing regular status updates increases visibility and helps ensure continued momentum toward resolution. Any member of the channel can write a status update, post that update to the channel, and optionally start a reminder timer to prompt for a subsequent update. Also, if configured in the playbook, status updates may also be broadcast to another channel.

Once an incident is ended, be sure to schedule a post-mortem meeting to iterate on the design of your playbook. Automatic posts can help expose a timeline of events for review, such as when a task is marked as complete or when the commander changes. You can export the messages from the incident channel and use them to build a post-mortem document. Identify bottlenecks by explaining gaps between task completion, and suggest changes to the playbook for the next incident.


A playbook must be defined before starting an incident.

  1. Go to Main Menu > Incident Collaboration.

  2. Select Playbooks.

  3. Start a Blank Playbook, or use the built-in Incident Collaboration Playbook as a template.

  4. Name your playbook and provide a description.

  5. Select the Tasks tab.

  6. Within the Tasks tab, customize the checklists and tasks:

  • Create and name new tasks to capture actions your team should take to resolve the incident.

  • Create new checklists to group tasks meant to be completed together.

  • Drag and drop to reorganize checklists and tasks.

  • Optionally add task descriptions to give additional context to members of the incident channel. Descriptions support a limited form of Markdown, including text styling and hyperlinks.

  • Optionally add a slash command to the task that can be executed by members of the incident channel as needed.

  1. Select the Preferences tab.

  2. Within the Preferences tab, customize how status updates are communicated:

  • Optionally configure a broadcast channel to which status updates will be copied. If you are not a member of the configured broadcast channel, Unknown Channel is displayed instead of the channel name.

  • Optionally configure the default reminder timer used to prompt for regular updates. The reminder timer may be changed when a status update is written.

  • Optionally configure a template to use for the first status update. Subsequent status updates will start with the text of the most recent update.

  1. Select the Automation tab.

  2. Within the Automation tab, customize automatically triggered tasks:

  • Optionally enable the Invite members toggle and select a set of members. This set of members are automatically invited to the incident channel when the incident starts.

  • Optionally enable the Assign commander toggle and select a member. This member is automatically assigned as commander of the incident when the incident starts.

  • Optionally enable the Announce it in another channel toggle and select a channel. When the incident is started, an announcement is made in the selected channel.

  • Optionally enable the Send a webhook toggle and enter the webhook you want to use.

  1. On the right-hand side of the screen, configure the permissions:

  • Decide whether the automatically created incident channel should be Public or Private within the team.

  • Share this playbook with other members of the team to allow them to use the playbook to start an incident, as well as edit the playbook.

You can change a playbook’s configuration at any time, but changes will only be applied to future incidents. Ongoing or ended incidents previously started from that playbook remain unchanged.

  1. Go to Main Menu > Incident Collaboration.

  2. Select Playbooks.

  3. Find the playbook to be edited.

  • Only playbooks of which you are a member are listed. System Admins have unrestricted access to all playbooks on the team.

  1. Select the name of the playbook, or select the Actions menu next to the playbook name, then select Edit.

  2. Configure the playbook the same way a playbook is created or edited.

You can delete a playbook at any time. Ongoing or ended incidents previously started from that playbook remain unchanged.

Mattermost Markdown Link

  1. Go to Main Menu > Incident Collaboration.

  2. Select Playbooks.

  3. Find the playbook to be edited.

  • Only playbooks of which you are a member are listed. System Admins have unrestricted access to all playbooks on the team.

  1. Select the Actions menu next to the playbook name, then select Edit.

  2. Confirm that you want to Delete Playbook.


To start an incident, use any one of the following:

  • Run the /incidentstart slash command from any channel.

  • From the desktop or browser:

  • Select the Incidents icon in the channel header, and select Start Incident from the right-hand sidebar.

  • Use the context menu of a post and select Start incident.

Mattermost Markdown Collapse

Starting an incident opens an interactive dialog. Provide an incident name and select a playbook to be used with the incident. Optionally provide a description to offer immediate context into the newly started incident. Only playbooks of which you are a member are listed in the Playbook drop-down menu.

The creator of an incident is automatically added as the first member and becomes the commander.

When the incident is created, it is announced in the configured channel. If that channel is archived or deleted, the bot posts a notification in the incident channel.

Join an incident by joining the incident channel. If the incident channel is public, you may join the channel without permission. Search for and join the channel via Browse Channels.

If the incident channel is private, an existing member of the incident channel must invite you. System Admins may join private incident channels without permission.

Any member of the incident channel can work with tasks:

  • To mark a task as completed, select the unchecked checkbox next to the task. To undo this, clear the checkbox.

  • To assign a task to a member of the incident channel, select No Assignee (or the existing assignee’s username), then select a user.

  • To view any description associated with a task, select the information icon to the right of the task name.

  • To execute a slash command associated with a task, select Run next to the listed slash command. Configured slash commands may be run as often as necessary.

To change commanders, use any one of the following:

  • Run the /incidentcommander@username slash command from the incident channel.

  • From the desktop or browser:

  1. Select the Incidents icon in the channel header to open the right-hand sidebar.

  2. Select the Summary tab.

  3. Within the Summary tab, select the current commander’s name in the right-hand sidebar, then select the new commander.

  • To change the commander to a user who is not in the channel, first add the user to the channel.

Incident status updates ensure that stakeholders remain informed about the progress toward incident resolution. To post a status update:

  • From the desktop or browser:

  1. Select the Incidents icon in the channel header to open the right-hand sidebar.

  2. Find the incident you’re looking for and select Go to Incident Channel.

  3. Select the Summary tab.

  4. Within the Summary tab, select Update Status.

  5. Add a Markdown-formatted message.

  • If this is the first status update and the playbook has a defined template, that template will be pre-populated here.

  • If this is a subsequent status update, the message from the last status update will be pre-populated here.

  1. Optionally set a reminder to prompt for the next status update.

  • If this is the first status update and the playbook has a defined default reminder timer, that timer will be pre-selected here.

  • If this is a subsequent status update, the last reminder timer will be pre-populated here.

  1. Select Update Status to post your status update.

  • Status updates are posted to the incident channel as a message from the user providing the status update.

  • If the playbook has a defined broadcast channel, status updates are copied to the broadcast channel as a message from the incident bot.

The most recent status post will also appear in the right-hand sidebar of the incident channel. To correct or remove a status post, edit or delete the post as needed. Status updates that are broadcast to another channel will not be edited or deleted.

Incident members can end an incident using any one of the following:

  • Within the incident channel, run the /incidentend slash command.

  • From the desktop or browser:

  1. Select the Incidents icon in the channel header to open the right-hand sidebar.

  2. Find the incident you’re looking for and select Go to Incident Channel.

  3. Select Update Status.

  4. From the Status drop-down menu, select Resolved.

  5. Enter a message with additional details.

  6. Select Update Status.

Ending an incident signals to all members of the channel that the incident is no longer ongoing. Members of the team can continue to post in the channel, mark tasks as complete, and change the commander if needed.

If an incident was ended prematurely, it can be restarted using any one of the following:

  • Within the incident channel, run the /incidentrestart slash command.

  • From the desktop or browser:

  1. Select the Incidents icon in the channel header to open the RHS.

  2. Find the incident you’re looking for and select Go to Incident Channel.

  3. Select Update Status.

  4. From the Status drop-down menu, select Active.

  5. Enter a message with additional details.

  6. Select Update Status.

To view past incidents of which you are a member, from the desktop or browser:

  1. Navigate to Main Menu > Incident Collaboration.

  2. Select the Incidents tab.

  3. Within the Incidents tab, find the incident to be reviewed, then select the name of the incident.

  4. Review the incident details:

  • The duration, total number of members ever involved, and messages sent in the channel are listed.

  • A graphical timeline shows how much time elapsed between completed checklist items.

  1. Optionally export the contents of the incident channel to review during a post-mortem.

The /incident slash command allows interaction with incidents via the post textbox on desktop, browser, and mobile for:

  • /incidentstart - Start a new incident.

  • /incidentend - End an ongoing incident.

  • /incidentupdate - Update the current incident’s status.

  • /incidentrestart - Restart an ended incident.

  • /incidentcheck[checklistitem] - Check/uncheck the specified task.

  • /incidentannounce~[channels] - Announce the current incident in other channels.

  • /incidentlist - List all your incidents.

  • /incidentcommander[@username] - Show or change the current commander.

  • /incidentinfo - Show a summary of the current incident.

Exporting the contents of an incident channel requires the channel export plugin. See the Channel Export plugin documentation for more information.

To interact with the incidents data model programmatically, consult the REST API specification.