Consulting (Pro) Themes from only $30 or get access to our entire collection for $85. Live Demo Join The Club. Gutenberg ready (WP v5.0+) Powerful. Free Google Slides theme and PowerPoint template Consulting services are essential for many businesses and organizations. Promote yours by showing your audience a presentation created out of this dynamic template. The illustrations are isometric, which is always a good innovation.
IT Consultant Lite
Need Help?
- After purchase of theme you can click on support centre to get support for the theme
- For any customization needs you can click on the customization tab and request the customization features (Paid)
- For sales related queries you can click on contact tab in navigation and contact us
Change Log
- Fixed gallery filter issue
- Fixed customizer issues(some fields were not working properly)
- Fixed theme demo import issue(homepage was appearing broken)
- Added WooCommerce sidebar templates
Updated December 2020
DemoBuy All Our Themes for $99- Minimal free consultant WordPress theme
- Google mobile friendly passed theme
- Responsive and hence looks good on all devices and browsers
- Default WordPress customizer used which makes it possible to check changes in real time
- WordPress theme check passed and coded as per WordPress theme review handbook
- Integrated with social media
- Comes with a default nivo slider
- Standard pages like 404 not found, search and blog available
- Other pages templates like full width and compatibility with plugins like WooCommerce
- Compatible with latest version of WordPress
- Coded with HTML5 & CSS3
IT Consultant is a free consultant WordPress theme. This theme is Google mobile friendly passed. This theme is also responsive and hence looks good on any browser as well as devices.
IT Consultant theme is a multipurpose responsive theme which can cater to any industry. It comes with WordPress customizer which makes it super easy for anyone to change content in real time while overlooking the changes.
IT Consultant theme is coded keeping in mind WordPress codex handbook for theme review and standards.

This theme already has social icons integrated and lots of other features like default slider and content loaded for homepage.

What to expect from best free consultant WordPress theme
Any consultant needs to project himself for work and also consultants need to translate trust amongst their clients so that one can do the word of mouth. Most of the work consultants get is via word of mouth and hence if they do a great job and great work for their past clients then surely consultants have a more better chance of getting more work via their past clients.
Any free consultant WordPress theme based website should resonate the ethos of a consultant and their consulting business and hence we have come up with this free consultant WordPress theme which is a great boon and an effective way to have a great website placed up which looks realistically just like an online resume and works to bring in more relevant business for a consulting business or a consultant.
Some of the salient information that a consultant needs to showcase and should be present in any consultant website are given below:
1. USP: USP of the consultant needs to be showcased nicely. Because it is the USP which differentiates any consultant from each other. If someone is a lawyer for corporate and someone for divorce cases then both are lawyers but their expertise lies in their service they provide one for divorce and one for corporate affairs. Hence it is important that the USP of the person offering service gets highlighted properly and hence our free consultant WordPress theme focusses on having the main services and the slider area which can really help someone to focus on the much needed USP.
2. Differentiate your service: Differentiation is the need with every increasing competition one should easily differentiate themselves from others and hence it is important to differentiate one from others and our template does help someone do that at ease.
3. Navigation should be easy: Navigation for old customers or for someone who isn’t internet or computer savvy should also be simple and hence we prefer not to have an over cluttered design but rather simple navigation on top of the slider so that people and visitors can easily navigate through the pages and can browse through them to understand the services.
4. Professional approach: Professional looking website also reflects on the way you might be working as your visitors might think of you and hence if you have a professional website they are more happy to share their details with you for further consultation. A doctor, lawyer or a business consultant should of course have a professional looking website. And hence free consultant WordPress theme does have a professional look and feel.
5. Easy access to Contact details: Easily accessible contact details always by using footer, header and contact us page dedicated will mean that anytime the customer or visitor decides to contact you for your services can easily do that without wasting time searching through the pages for your contact.
6. Informative content based on services: Informative content which can explain your services better and can explain all about your services so that someone who is primarily looking for one service but needs consultation for other as well can surely make that up in mind that you offer those services as well. Chances become more for you to get contacted easily.
7. Legitimate reviews: Reviews can be fake as well and we believe reviews should be legitimate and hence our testimonials area is built where we share the name and designation of a user and hence details of the user are also important otherwise it appears like the website owner has placed them themselves.
8. Keep posting content: Blogging is essential if you have to continue getting your site in top of search engines because they like fresh content posted daily and hence blogging for any business is nowadays more of a compulsory addition.
The service industry is growing a lot of interest in the existence of the online platform. The need of the website has long been realized and rightly so as it is required by the service providers to make an instant connect with the customers. There is a whole range of visitors online who are constantly looking for service in many areas.
The consultation sector is really appreciated as there are so many areas where the users wish they had an expert to take help from and thus they look for the service online. If you are a consultant who wants to connect with these customers should use the popular online platform. This becomes easy with the free consultant WordPress theme.
There is a need for consultants to projects himself for the work that they can do and the work they have achieved. This will create a trust on the visitors; the websites create a platform where this can be displayed with ease. The advertisement of these things can be done with word of mouth this means that what they have done in the past gets them higher opportunities.
The free consultant WordPress theme creates a website that all the features that the specific website would require. WordPress has been always ahead of time when it comes to catering the customers. This is common knowledge that each business has its own expectation and the themes of WordPress is created keeping these expectations in mind.
The niche is created which are specifically studied by the experts and the functionalities in the websites are added this makes it easy for them to create a huge impact on the users. The users of the theme will be able to make a website in less time and will be able to enjoy the all the functionalities that are required.
The main thing that the consultant wants the visitors to notice when they first visit the website is their expertise area. There are many consultants and all of them have some specific area that they are great at, this makes their USP. Now if the visitors are able to locate this USP then they will analyze in less time whether this is what they are looking for, the website wants to convert the visitors into customers and thus it is important for the visitors to locate the right information.
Since the website is about services hence it must look highly professional. This creates an image that you are working in a professional manner and knows what you are doing. The visitors sense this and thus when they reach a professional website they get excited and find it easy to share their concerns.
The free consultant WordPress theme has separate spaces for contact information where the visitors can easily find numbers and email ID or any other information that might be useful. There is also an option to add the map which allows easy navigation to reach the place.
The free consultant WordPress theme is high on compatibility and thus the users can add plug-ins which will enhance the functions and with quality content the website is an instant hit.
People always look for free WP themes with slider and features so as to get the best website created for themselves without much problems.
Tags: design agency, creative agency, branding company, design studio, development company, marketing agency, marketing services, promotional services, interior design, digital studio, corporate, consultancy, information technology services, IT services, maintenance services, duty, office, group of people, firm, instrument, business, agent, representation, department, office, authority, corporation, government agency, service provider, IT service providers, repairing services, consult, meeting, interview, discussion, audience, consulting, reference, appointment, conversation, debate, argument, meeting, consulted, conference, advice
IT Consultant Lite
Need Help?

- After purchase of theme you can click on support centre to get support for the theme
- For any customization needs you can click on the customization tab and request the customization features (Paid)
- For sales related queries you can click on contact tab in navigation and contact us
Change Log
- Fixed gallery filter issue
- Fixed customizer issues(some fields were not working properly)
- Fixed theme demo import issue(homepage was appearing broken)
- Added WooCommerce sidebar templates
Updated December 2020
DemoBuy All Our Themes for $99- Minimal free consultant WordPress theme
- Google mobile friendly passed theme
- Responsive and hence looks good on all devices and browsers
- Default WordPress customizer used which makes it possible to check changes in real time
- WordPress theme check passed and coded as per WordPress theme review handbook
- Integrated with social media
- Comes with a default nivo slider
- Standard pages like 404 not found, search and blog available
- Other pages templates like full width and compatibility with plugins like WooCommerce
- Compatible with latest version of WordPress
- Coded with HTML5 & CSS3
IT Consultant is a free consultant WordPress theme. This theme is Google mobile friendly passed. This theme is also responsive and hence looks good on any browser as well as devices.
IT Consultant theme is a multipurpose responsive theme which can cater to any industry. It comes with WordPress customizer which makes it super easy for anyone to change content in real time while overlooking the changes.
IT Consultant theme is coded keeping in mind WordPress codex handbook for theme review and standards.
This theme already has social icons integrated and lots of other features like default slider and content loaded for homepage.
What to expect from best free consultant WordPress theme
Any consultant needs to project himself for work and also consultants need to translate trust amongst their clients so that one can do the word of mouth. Most of the work consultants get is via word of mouth and hence if they do a great job and great work for their past clients then surely consultants have a more better chance of getting more work via their past clients.
Any free consultant WordPress theme based website should resonate the ethos of a consultant and their consulting business and hence we have come up with this free consultant WordPress theme which is a great boon and an effective way to have a great website placed up which looks realistically just like an online resume and works to bring in more relevant business for a consulting business or a consultant.
Some of the salient information that a consultant needs to showcase and should be present in any consultant website are given below:
1. USP: USP of the consultant needs to be showcased nicely. Because it is the USP which differentiates any consultant from each other. If someone is a lawyer for corporate and someone for divorce cases then both are lawyers but their expertise lies in their service they provide one for divorce and one for corporate affairs. Hence it is important that the USP of the person offering service gets highlighted properly and hence our free consultant WordPress theme focusses on having the main services and the slider area which can really help someone to focus on the much needed USP.
2. Differentiate your service: Differentiation is the need with every increasing competition one should easily differentiate themselves from others and hence it is important to differentiate one from others and our template does help someone do that at ease.

3. Navigation should be easy: Navigation for old customers or for someone who isn’t internet or computer savvy should also be simple and hence we prefer not to have an over cluttered design but rather simple navigation on top of the slider so that people and visitors can easily navigate through the pages and can browse through them to understand the services.
4. Professional approach: Professional looking website also reflects on the way you might be working as your visitors might think of you and hence if you have a professional website they are more happy to share their details with you for further consultation. A doctor, lawyer or a business consultant should of course have a professional looking website. And hence free consultant WordPress theme does have a professional look and feel.
5. Easy access to Contact details: Easily accessible contact details always by using footer, header and contact us page dedicated will mean that anytime the customer or visitor decides to contact you for your services can easily do that without wasting time searching through the pages for your contact.
6. Informative content based on services: Informative content which can explain your services better and can explain all about your services so that someone who is primarily looking for one service but needs consultation for other as well can surely make that up in mind that you offer those services as well. Chances become more for you to get contacted easily.
7. Legitimate reviews: Reviews can be fake as well and we believe reviews should be legitimate and hence our testimonials area is built where we share the name and designation of a user and hence details of the user are also important otherwise it appears like the website owner has placed them themselves.
8. Keep posting content: Blogging is essential if you have to continue getting your site in top of search engines because they like fresh content posted daily and hence blogging for any business is nowadays more of a compulsory addition.
The service industry is growing a lot of interest in the existence of the online platform. The need of the website has long been realized and rightly so as it is required by the service providers to make an instant connect with the customers. There is a whole range of visitors online who are constantly looking for service in many areas.
The consultation sector is really appreciated as there are so many areas where the users wish they had an expert to take help from and thus they look for the service online. If you are a consultant who wants to connect with these customers should use the popular online platform. This becomes easy with the free consultant WordPress theme.
There is a need for consultants to projects himself for the work that they can do and the work they have achieved. This will create a trust on the visitors; the websites create a platform where this can be displayed with ease. The advertisement of these things can be done with word of mouth this means that what they have done in the past gets them higher opportunities.
The free consultant WordPress theme creates a website that all the features that the specific website would require. WordPress has been always ahead of time when it comes to catering the customers. This is common knowledge that each business has its own expectation and the themes of WordPress is created keeping these expectations in mind.
The niche is created which are specifically studied by the experts and the functionalities in the websites are added this makes it easy for them to create a huge impact on the users. The users of the theme will be able to make a website in less time and will be able to enjoy the all the functionalities that are required.
The main thing that the consultant wants the visitors to notice when they first visit the website is their expertise area. There are many consultants and all of them have some specific area that they are great at, this makes their USP. Now if the visitors are able to locate this USP then they will analyze in less time whether this is what they are looking for, the website wants to convert the visitors into customers and thus it is important for the visitors to locate the right information.
Since the website is about services hence it must look highly professional. This creates an image that you are working in a professional manner and knows what you are doing. The visitors sense this and thus when they reach a professional website they get excited and find it easy to share their concerns.
Consulting Theme Wordpress Themeforest
The free consultant WordPress theme has separate spaces for contact information where the visitors can easily find numbers and email ID or any other information that might be useful. There is also an option to add the map which allows easy navigation to reach the place.
The free consultant WordPress theme is high on compatibility and thus the users can add plug-ins which will enhance the functions and with quality content the website is an instant hit.
Consulting Website Themes
People always look for free WP themes with slider and features so as to get the best website created for themselves without much problems.
Consulting Themes
Tags: design agency, creative agency, branding company, design studio, development company, marketing agency, marketing services, promotional services, interior design, digital studio, corporate, consultancy, information technology services, IT services, maintenance services, duty, office, group of people, firm, instrument, business, agent, representation, department, office, authority, corporation, government agency, service provider, IT service providers, repairing services, consult, meeting, interview, discussion, audience, consulting, reference, appointment, conversation, debate, argument, meeting, consulted, conference, advice