How to Clear all kinds of Windows cache. This article shows you steps to clear all type of cache present in Windows 10 Computer. Microsoft’s new installment in its long running Windows Operating System ,is the new windows 10.The new Operating System is a huge improvement compared to its predecessors.
Also read: –How to delete windows 10 update cache to get rid of unwanted files
Solution 4: Delete cache. Cache uses RAM memory functions (it stores information that your computer uses to restart the previously viewed pages). This saves time when browsing the pages. But, if the computer starts to freeze, clearing the cache will be an excellent solution to free up RAM. Advanced ways to deal with RAM. Restart the Windows 10 System The best way to clear the Windows memory cache is just to turn off the system and turn it on again. When trying to restart the system, Windows will either complete all the pending tasks or abandons them as needed. Temporary file is a common type of cache in your computer. By default, temporary files are stored in the path of C: Users Admin AppData Local Temp. To clear them, you can press Windows + R to open Run window, input%temp% and click OK to open the Temp folders. Then, delete all the temporary files and folders in it. I have 6 GB of RAM installed on my laptop. It is just 4-5 months the RAM was installed and now I have around half of my RAM as a memory cache in my system. I have done many searches but unable to clear the cache of my memory. Waiting for your ANSWER.
Windows 10, stores significant amounts of cache to make the system faster and more responsive compared to previous versions, this indeed is very efficient if you have tons of Free storage and free ram to work with, or a high performance cpu. Unless you have a considerable amount of free memory, you will eventually run into problems that will slow down your Pc , cause it to lag and maybe even hang if you load it with lot of tasks.
Fear not, I will now show you, how to clear the 4 types of cache in Windows 10
Delete Temporary catched files on your Windows PC
Step 1 – Right Click on Windows icon on bottom left of your PC screen.
Step 2 -Now, click on run.
Note: – Alternatively you can also press windows key + R together to bring RUN command box.
Step 3 – Now, write %temp% in it and hit enter.
Step 4 – Now, delete all the files in the folder.
Step 4 – Now, again Open run command box and write tempin it and hit enter.
Step 5 – Now, delete all files in the folder.
Step 6 – Now, again right click on windows key and click on run.
Clear Memory In Windows 10
Step 7 – Now, type tempin run command box and hit enter.
Step 8 – Now, delete all the files in this temp folder also.
Delete Prefetch Files from Windows PC
Step 1 – Right click on windows icon on bottom left and click on runfrom the menu
Step 2 – Now, type prefetchin the text field and hit enter.
Step 3 – Now, delete all the files in this folder also.
Delete Unnecessary files Cache on your System
This is the cache stored by your local and downloaded applications for a prompt and speedy response. Over time the cache data can be replaced by new one without getting rid of the older ones, by apps not configured to do so. You may thus eventually in some time ahead have to clean your cache manually.
To do so, simply.
a) Click on Start.
b) Search for Cleanmgr
c) Cleanmanager is used to clean unnecessary files in drive.
d) Manually Select the various hard drives you have installed eg: C:, D: etc. ONE by ONE and click Ok.
e) Select the various file types you want to clean up in the next window. Select all if you want to flush them all.
f) Now click on Clean Up System Files at the bottom of the window.
g) Click on Ok again.
h) Wait for few seconds .
Now, select all the cached items which you want to delete from your PC.
You have now cleared your cache.
Clean temp files through Windows 10 storage sense
Step 1 – Open settings by clicking on windows start button in the taskbar and then clicking on Gear icon.
Step 2 – Now, click on system.
Step 3 – Now, click on storage from the left menu.
Step 4 – After that, click on Configure storage sense or run it now from the right.
Step 5 – Now, click on Clean now.
wait for some time and the system will clean the temp unused files from your PC.
After few seconds, it will show you how much space has been saved on your system
2- Browser Cache
a) Click on three dots at top right of the edge browser window.
b) Click on settings
c) Now, click on choose what to clear .
d) Now, choose what all you have to clear. for clearing all, just select all and click clear.
Clear Internet Explorer cache
a) Open the file explorer.
b) In the menu bar, Click on View and select Options.
c) In the next window open the Generaltab.
d) Under the sub-heading Privacy, click on Clear.
e) Click on Ok.
You have now cleared File Explorer History.
4- Clear Windows Store Cache
How To Clear Cached Ram Memory Windows 10 Free
Windows store because of being in its beta stages, is bound to store a lot of data as its cache, and is the likely culprit for your system’s performance issues. Windows cache can be deleted using the following method.
a) Press the Windows key + R to open the run command window.
b) Type WSReset.exe and press Enter.
This will clear the store cache.
You can also clear your Location Data stored locally by following the steps listed below-
a) Click on Start key at bottom left end of your computer window.
b) Select and open Settings.
How To Clear Cached Ram Memory Windows 10 Home
c) Click on Privacy.
d) In the left tab, find and click on Location.
e) Now on the right side hit clearto clear the location data.
This will clear your location history.
Clear Your DNS Cache on Windows 10
Tip: You can flush your DNS if you find problems with your browsing experience.
To do so, follow these steps.
a) Go to search box in windows 10 taskbar.
b) Search for Command Prompt or CMD and open it.
c) When the Command Prompt window opens, type-
d) Press enter. Novus port devices driver download for windows.
This will clear your DNS cache 🙂
Saurav is associated with IT industry and computers for more than a decade and is writing on The Geek Page on topics revolving on windows 10 and softwares.
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How to clear memory and increase RAM in Windows 10/8/7?
Have you ever met this issue that your computer is equipped with a very big hard drive, but the computer still runs very slow? Do you know why?
The primary reason is that your computer is having a high CPU usage issue which means that your computer CPU RAM is highly occupied by some programs and software, which then slows down your PC.
So how to fix the high CPU RAM usage error on Windows PC? The best way is to free up, clear memory and increase RAM. But how?
If you are looking for a simple way to fix the high CUP usage issue by increasing RAM and free up memory on Windows PC, you are at the right place. You can directly follow any one of the below-provided methods to get rid of high CPU usage issue and increase RAM on your computer now:
How To Clear Cached Ram Memory Windows 10 Windows 10
Quick Fix: Close Unnecessary Running Programs to Increase RAM
1. Press Ctrl + Alt + Del keys at the same time to bring up Task Manager.
2. Select Task Manager, go to Processes, locate and find the programs or software that are taking the most memory and CPU usage.
3. Select those programs that are taking the most CPU and click End Task to close them from running on your PC.
By doing so, you can quickly fix high CPU usage issue, and you can run your computer at a fast speed again.
Method 1. Disable and Remove Software/Programs from Startup to Increase RAM
To fully resolve the problem and increase RAM, you are highly recommended to disable and remove software and programs to boot from the Startup. This will effectively help you increase the RAM on Windows 10/8/7 PC.
Here are the detailed steps for disabling unnecessary programs and tools from Startup:
1. Right-click the Start and select Control Panel.
2. Enter Control Panel, find and double-click Administrative Tools.
3. Select and double-click on System Configuration.

4. Go to Startup tab, click Open Task Manager;
5. Select the useless program or unnecessary software that you want to remove or disable from the Startup and click Disable.
1. Press Ctrl + Alt + Del keys at the same time and select Task Manager from the listed options.
2.Find Explorer and click Restart.
By doing this operation, the Windows will potentially free up some memory RAM.
Method 3. Install A RAM Cleaner Software/Tool
Under most circumstances, it's effortless to clean the memory and free up RAM with professional RAM cleaner software.
If you search online, you'll find a lot of recommended RAM cleaner software such as Cleanmen, Minimem, Super Memory Cleaner (for Mac), etc. Available for you to download.
If you don't want to spend time doing so, here we'd like to recommend you to try an excellent RAM cleaner alternative software - EaseUS Todo PCTrans Free which supports you to remove useless programs or large files from PC and optimize computer performance with its 'Large File Cleanup' and 'App Migration' feature for free in Windows 10/8/8.1/7.
Method 4. Add More RAM to Increase RAM
The most direct way to increase RAM is to add more RAM to your computer or laptop.
1. The first step that you need to do is to detect and identify what kind of RAM your computer is using.
2. Then you can buy a new RAM - 4GB, 8 GB or 16GB to add to your computer or laptop.