This awesome, large black Obsidian can be used to gently massage trigger points, direct energy flow, or very simply to admire. The smooth polish and chunky width give the hands a break from fine motor movement a wider grip. There are so many options and angles with this design! It’s safe to use oils along with this tool, just wash in warm, soapy water to cleanse it.
The Obsidian crystal healing properties for healing are strengthened by the reflective nature of this stone. Like a mirror, Obsidian helps you to see the parts of yourself that you may shy away from. Ps3 drive driver download for windows. Through this honest evaluation and self-reflection, you can identify and release these negative energies. Healing Properties of Rainbow Obsidian. Spiritual: Rainbow Obsidian acts as a bridge between the dark and light places inside of us, making it a powerful crystal ally whenever we are ready to do important personal work. Rainbow Obsidian offers us safe passage and guidance into those dark parts of ourselves that most scare us so that we can find and process any pain that is trapped there.
Meaning Of Obsidian Crystal

Obsidian Metaphysical Properties
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