06:10 – 19:25
13 hours, 15 minutes
Current Time: | 21 Apr 2021, 08:50:12 |
Sun Direction: | ↑ 97° East |
Sun Altitude: | 32.0° |
Sun Distance: | 150.352 million km |
Next Solstice: | 20 Jun 2021 20:32 (Summer) |
Sunrise Today: | 06:10↑ 75° East |
Sunset Today: | 19:25↑ 285° West |
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2021 Sun Graph for San Bernardino
Sunrise Contacts 2021 Schedule

Sunrise Contacts 2021 Free
April 2021 — Sun in San Bernardino
Scroll right to see more2021 | Sunrise/Sunset | Daylength | Astronomical Twilight | Nautical Twilight | Civil Twilight | Solar Noon | ||||||
Apr | Sunrise | Sunset | Length | Diff. | Start | End | Start | End | Start | End | Time | Mil. km |
1 | 06:35 ↑(84°) | 19:10 ↑(277°) | 12:34:20 | +2:06 | 05:10 | 20:35 | 05:41 | 20:05 | 06:10 | 19:35 | 12:52 (60.8°) | 149.512 |
2 | 06:34 ↑(83°) | 19:11 ↑(277°) | 12:36:26 | +2:06 | 05:09 | 20:36 | 05:39 | 20:06 | 06:09 | 19:36 | 12:52 (61.1°) | 149.556 |
3 | 06:33 ↑(83°) | 19:11 ↑(277°) | 12:38:32 | +2:06 | 05:07 | 20:37 | 05:38 | 20:06 | 06:08 | 19:37 | 12:52 (61.5°) | 149.600 |
4 | 06:31 ↑(82°) | 19:12 ↑(278°) | 12:40:38 | +2:05 | 05:06 | 20:38 | 05:36 | 20:07 | 06:06 | 19:37 | 12:51 (61.9°) | 149.644 |
5 | 06:30 ↑(82°) | 19:13 ↑(278°) | 12:42:44 | +2:05 | 05:04 | 20:39 | 05:35 | 20:08 | 06:05 | 19:38 | 12:51 (62.3°) | 149.688 |
6 | 06:29 ↑(81°) | 19:14 ↑(279°) | 12:44:49 | +2:05 | 05:03 | 20:40 | 05:34 | 20:09 | 06:03 | 19:39 | 12:51 (62.7°) | 149.731 |
7 | 06:27 ↑(81°) | 19:14 ↑(279°) | 12:46:54 | +2:04 | 05:01 | 20:41 | 05:32 | 20:10 | 06:02 | 19:40 | 12:51 (63.0°) | 149.775 |
8 | 06:26 ↑(80°) | 19:15 ↑(280°) | 12:48:58 | +2:04 | 05:00 | 20:42 | 05:31 | 20:11 | 06:01 | 19:41 | 12:50 (63.4°) | 149.819 |
9 | 06:25 ↑(80°) | 19:16 ↑(280°) | 12:51:03 | +2:04 | 04:58 | 20:43 | 05:29 | 20:12 | 05:59 | 19:41 | 12:50 (63.8°) | 149.862 |
10 | 06:24 ↑(80°) | 19:17 ↑(281°) | 12:53:06 | +2:03 | 04:57 | 20:44 | 05:28 | 20:13 | 05:58 | 19:42 | 12:50 (64.2°) | 149.905 |
11 | 06:22 ↑(79°) | 19:17 ↑(281°) | 12:55:10 | +2:03 | 04:55 | 20:45 | 05:26 | 20:13 | 05:57 | 19:43 | 12:50 (64.5°) | 149.948 |
12 | 06:21 ↑(79°) | 19:18 ↑(282°) | 12:57:12 | +2:02 | 04:54 | 20:46 | 05:25 | 20:14 | 05:55 | 19:44 | 12:49 (64.9°) | 149.990 |
13 | 06:20 ↑(78°) | 19:19 ↑(282°) | 12:59:15 | +2:02 | 04:52 | 20:47 | 05:24 | 20:15 | 05:54 | 19:45 | 12:49 (65.2°) | 150.032 |
14 | 06:18 ↑(78°) | 19:20 ↑(282°) | 13:01:16 | +2:01 | 04:51 | 20:48 | 05:22 | 20:16 | 05:53 | 19:46 | 12:49 (65.6°) | 150.074 |
15 | 06:17 ↑(77°) | 19:20 ↑(283°) | 13:03:18 | +2:01 | 04:49 | 20:49 | 05:21 | 20:17 | 05:51 | 19:46 | 12:49 (66.0°) | 150.116 |
16 | 06:16 ↑(77°) | 19:21 ↑(283°) | 13:05:18 | +2:00 | 04:48 | 20:50 | 05:19 | 20:18 | 05:50 | 19:47 | 12:48 (66.3°) | 150.157 |
17 | 06:15 ↑(76°) | 19:22 ↑(284°) | 13:07:18 | +2:00 | 04:46 | 20:51 | 05:18 | 20:19 | 05:49 | 19:48 | 12:48 (66.7°) | 150.198 |
18 | 06:14 ↑(76°) | 19:23 ↑(284°) | 13:09:18 | +1:59 | 04:45 | 20:52 | 05:17 | 20:20 | 05:48 | 19:49 | 12:48 (67.0°) | 150.238 |
19 | 06:12 ↑(76°) | 19:24 ↑(285°) | 13:11:17 | +1:58 | 04:43 | 20:53 | 05:15 | 20:21 | 05:46 | 19:50 | 12:48 (67.4°) | 150.279 |
20 | 06:11 ↑(75°) | 19:24 ↑(285°) | 13:13:15 | +1:58 | 04:42 | 20:54 | 05:14 | 20:22 | 05:45 | 19:50 | 12:47 (67.7°) | 150.319 |
21 | 06:10 ↑(75°) | 19:25 ↑(285°) | 13:15:12 | +1:57 | 04:40 | 20:55 | 05:13 | 20:22 | 05:44 | 19:51 | 12:47 (68.0°) | 150.359 |
22 | 06:09 ↑(74°) | 19:26 ↑(286°) | 13:17:08 | +1:56 | 04:39 | 20:56 | 05:11 | 20:23 | 05:43 | 19:52 | 12:47 (68.4°) | 150.399 |
23 | 06:08 ↑(74°) | 19:27 ↑(286°) | 13:19:04 | +1:55 | 04:38 | 20:57 | 05:10 | 20:24 | 05:41 | 19:53 | 12:47 (68.7°) | 150.438 |
24 | 06:06 ↑(74°) | 19:27 ↑(287°) | 13:20:59 | +1:54 | 04:36 | 20:58 | 05:09 | 20:25 | 05:40 | 19:54 | 12:47 (69.0°) | 150.478 |
25 | 06:05 ↑(73°) | 19:28 ↑(287°) | 13:22:53 | +1:54 | 04:35 | 20:59 | 05:08 | 20:26 | 05:39 | 19:55 | 12:47 (69.4°) | 150.517 |
26 | 06:04 ↑(73°) | 19:29 ↑(287°) | 13:24:46 | +1:53 | 04:33 | 21:00 | 05:06 | 20:27 | 05:38 | 19:56 | 12:46 (69.7°) | 150.557 |
27 | 06:03 ↑(72°) | 19:30 ↑(288°) | 13:26:39 | +1:52 | 04:32 | 21:01 | 05:05 | 20:28 | 05:37 | 19:56 | 12:46 (70.0°) | 150.596 |
28 | 06:02 ↑(72°) | 19:31 ↑(288°) | 13:28:30 | +1:51 | 04:31 | 21:02 | 05:04 | 20:29 | 05:36 | 19:57 | 12:46 (70.3°) | 150.635 |
29 | 06:01 ↑(72°) | 19:31 ↑(289°) | 13:30:20 | +1:50 | 04:29 | 21:04 | 05:03 | 20:30 | 05:34 | 19:58 | 12:46 (70.6°) | 150.675 |
30 | 06:00 ↑(71°) | 19:32 ↑(289°) | 13:32:09 | +1:49 | 04:28 | 21:05 | 05:01 | 20:31 | 05:33 | 19:59 | 12:46 (70.9°) | 150.714 |
* All times are local time for San Bernardino. Time is adjusted for DST when applicable. They take into account refraction. Dates are based on the Gregorian calendar. Today is highlighted. |
2021 Sunrise Table
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