VPN Connection
Quanta wireless port devices driver download for windows. Rocketfish input devices driver download for windows. Cisco AnyConnect allows a secure encrypted tunnel from your computer to UHCL's network when off campus with a wireless connection. We encourage you to download and install this on your home computer. Instructions for remote desktop into your office computer can be found at the end of this document.
Other VPN Downloads
Vpn Anyconnect Download
Installing Cisco AnyConnect VPN Client If you would like to use the University of North Texas virtual private network service, VPN, without signing in to a browser, you can install UNT's Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client on your machine. Launch the client by going to Start-All Programs-Cisco-Cisco Anyconnect Secure Mobility Client. In the field to the left of the 'Connect' button, click on the text area and type 'vpn.ufl.edu'. Authenticate with your gatorlink ID (in the form of username@ufl.edu).
AnyConnect allows you to install and use the Virtual Private Network (VPN) client on your personal PC or laptop. This means that you can access the UCT network even while you are off campus. There are AnyConnect clients for Windows, Mac and Linux operating systems. Running AnyConnect. Once you have AnyConnect installed on your computer, you can run Cisco AnyConnect from the Start Menu. The VPN address should be pre-populated as vpn.unt.edu (or vpn#.unt.edu - where # is a number). If you are faculty or staff, leave the group as General and Authenticate with your EUID credentials. This means, that UCT will always be a version or two behind the latest available version as testing is ongoing. ICTS has successfully completed Windows 10 1803 testing. View the list of Windows 10 versions released since 2015.
Our previous VPN software is still available if you are unable to download the Cisco AnyConnect or if you have an older computer that is not compatible with our newest VPN client. Contact the Support Center for more information.
Uct Vpn Anyconnect Download
Remote Connection to Your Office Computer

Uct Vpn Anyconnect Login
Remotely connect to your office computer from another computer on campus or from your home computer while connected to VPN. Sigma designs driver download for windows.