If you see “(32-bit)” and you are running Firefox 56.0 or older, updating to the latest Firefox version should automatically upgrade you to 64-bit. If you see “(32-bit)” and are running Firefox 56.0.1 or newer, then your computer may not meet the minimum memory requirement for 64-bit (3 GB RAM or more). Download Instagram Videos and Photos iGram is an online web tool to help you with downloading Instagram Photos, Videos and IGTV videos. IGram is designed to be easy to use on any device, such as, mobile, tablet or computer. Oct 07, 2018 So, if you are accessing Instagram from Firefox running on Ubuntu, for instance, user agent will tell these data to Instagram servers to tell them that you are accessing Instagram from Firefox on Ubuntu. This means, if you could change the user agent then you would be able to send “fake” data to Instagram servers. Jul 05, 2018 Download Instagram photo downloader for Firefox. An extension that makes downloading Instagram photos easy (you don't have to screenshot them anymore) and just a click away.

How it WorksFeaturesIs it SafeReviewsContact UsKnowledge Base
a free Chrome plugin that lets you post photos, videos & stories to Instagram™ from your Desktop, download and schedule posts in a grid, monitor unfollowers, gain competition insights and more.
Inssist in numbers
Inssist is a safe, secure and reliable way to use Instagram in your Web Browser.
Desktop For Instagram Firefox
That is why it is trusted by thousands of people and companies worldwide. And the numbers are growing.
Average Webstore Rating
Direct Messages Sent
Active Users and Companies
Posts and Stories Published
Posts Scheduled
Insights Created
How it works?
Inssist is a Chrome Extension that switches Instagram Website into mobile view as if you were using it on your Mobile Web Browser. It works in Chrome, Vivaldi, Opera, Microsoft Edge, Brave and other Chromium based browsers.
The plugin fixes a ton of bugs and facilitates posting Stories, Videos, IGTVs, sending DMs, monitoring Unfollowers and a host of other features not available out of the box on the Instagram Desktop Client.
Inssist works without a need to know your Instagram password, does not spy and does not transfer any data away from your PC.
What it can do?
Post Photos, Videos, Stories, IGTVs from PC / Mac
Inssist is the only app that allows posting videos and stories to Instagram from Desktop without sharing Instagram passwords with a 3rd party app.
To post a photo, video, story or IGTV, install the plugin from Chrome WebStore and click the Plus button at the bottom of the Phone frame. Select a photo or video from your PC, enter optional caption, location, mentions and hit “Share”.
Please note some features such as GIFs, music and mentions on video stories are not yet supported by Instagram Web API and thus not available on Inssist.
Download any Media
Simply hit “Download” button on any post, video or image DM to get it saved. Make sure to @mention the author if you repost the media later to your profile.

Search Relevant Hashtags
As you create a new post, Inssist will automatically suggest you up to 30 relevant #hashtags to the ones you entered into the post caption. You can add suggested #hashtags to your post in one click.
Multi-Account Support
Connect as many accounts as you like to Inssist and switch between them in a single click. Yes, we counted.
Dark Mode
If you’re a fan of Dark Mode, Inssist has one of the best, custom Dark Mode implementations for Instagram. If not, you can always switch back to Light.
The same goes for Wide Screen support. Browsing the photos in a small frame may get awkward on a wide PC screen, so there is an option to fix that.
Paid Features
Paid features are available with an optional PRO version and cost $7.9 / month. You can subscribe to PRO and support development right from the Inssist plugin. Subscriptions are managed securely by FastSpring.
Inssist supports scheduling posts to Instagram with advanced features such as Bulk Scheduling, Posting Calendar, Time Slots, Drag & Drop support, Facebook Cross-Posting and much more.
You can schedule photo, video and even carousel (multi-photo) posts with Inssist. Once scheduled, the posts will be delivered automatically. You do not need to keep the Inssist open for the posts to be delivered.
If you do not have scheduling setup for your Instagram account, Inssist has an RPA (Robotic Process Automation) module that will try to do that for you and save you a bit of time.
Firefox Instagram Video Downloader
Hashtag Search
Increase reach from hashtags to up to 40% with Inssist Hashtag Assistant. Hashtag Assistant module lets you search for relevant hashtags with ease and allows building effective hashtag collections and hashtag ladders.
Find more on the module in our ultimate Instagram hashtag guide.
Insights and Analytics
Inssist Analytics scans your account and reports on Followers and Un-Followers. You can reach out to them to reduce churn or improve engagement.
Insights module can scan any public Instagram account for publicly available data on your behalf, and report on a number of things:
- time of day and day of week the account posts.
- hashtags they use sorted by engagement.
- their posts, followers and followings.
- the percentage of spam-bot accounts in their follower’s list.
All of Insights data is downloadable for further study.
DMs with Filters and Ghost Mode
Inssist supports DM chat filtering and search. Plugin shows the DM interface in a split-screen mode which allows browsing Instagram profiles and answering your DMs simultaneously.
Inssist DM remembers the text you pre-typed in your chats and restores it as you switch back and forth between the chats. With Inssist you can also peek at self-destructing photos.
Finally, a Ghost Mode allows reading someone’s DMs without notifying them.
Reposting and Swipe Up
Repost any photo, video or carousel to your profile with a single click. Inssist will properly attribute the post's author in the caption.
Having more than 10k followers? You can add clickable links right to your stories and drive traffic to a target website or product and make sales.
Zen Mode
An optional paid Zen mode makes your home feed look much less cluttered and stylish. Check it out!
Is it safe?
Inssist respects you / your data / 3rd parties

Inssist is a client-side app and relies on Instagram Web client to work. Hence it does not need to collect any browser data, Instagram data or passwords from your machine. Inssist does not send any browsing data away from your PC.

What data it does collect?
In order to detect errors early, Inssist collects anonymized usage statistics with a help of Google Analytics and SentryJS web services.
If you choose to subscribe to PRO version, Inssist will also store your name, email and Instagram @username in a database in a secure fashion. Storing this data is necessary to keep a list of your payments. This information is automatically removed upon deleting your Inssist account from the app and is never shared with anyone. Inssist relies on secure networking protocols for data transfer.
If you feel paranoid, as we all do sometimes, you can confirm Inssist sends no personal data away by inspecting its’ popup or background scripts in Chrome.
How it manages billing?
Inssist delegates billing and transactions precessing to FastSpring and does not know or have access to your payment method details, cards or PayPal account.
We do not repackage, transmit away or sell any of your data. We do not show you ads. Inssist is monetised by providing optional paid features with its’ PRO subscription. With Inssist you are NOT a product.
Client Reviews
No more sending photos back and forth between the Phone and PC / Mac to publish them.
Charina Tenajeros
I love it. It makes my work and life easier in uploading contents in my desktop. Brilliant solutions for Virtual Assistants and Social media Managers as well as Influencers, bloggers and creators.
RMODA studio
Wonderful app. It lets me scheduled my post on Pro mode, which really help for small business to plan ahead their social media game. Keep it up guys!
ASTGMOT Programming
Awesome extension/app!! A lot of features, can even export data in different file formats, detailed account analysis, super great, amazing extension!
Inssist seriously made my life SOOO much easier. I don't have a phone so I wasn't able to go on Instagram without it FEELING like I was on Instagram.
Firefox Instagram Downloader
Slash/ed is a uniquely talented group of Software Engineers and Designers with ability to create robust IT products automating complex business processes.
Out strength lies in the deep knowledge of web technologies, data processing techniques, machine learning, UX design and cognitive abilities to apply that knowledge to address customer needs with elegantly designed solutions.
We specialise in developing Robotic Process Automation and Data Analysis products that bring real value and are easy and fun to use.
We can help you if you are looking for a software development partner with an expertise in automation to have your IT needs slash/ed.
Legal: InstagramTM is a trademark of Instagram LLC, registered in the U.S. and other countries. Inssist is an independent project and is not affiliated with Instagram or Facebook in any way.
Yes! There is no need to use external software to download Instagram photos. Only thing you need is a browser (like Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox) and I am guessing you already have that one. If you have any doubts, this method is the easiest way you can find on internet, be sure of that.
Even if some websites claim otherwise, you can actually save and download most of the images and videos directly from its source. It is surprising that most people don’t know that method, even some popular websites still have no idea and convincing their readers only way to do that is using an external website or software:
We will prove how wrong they are at the end of the article. If you want to download multiple images, using a software would make sense but if you will download just a single image, there is no need to look for a software. In this article I will only explain how to do it for Instagram but after getting the idea, you can do it pretty much for everything.
Firefox Instagram Login Bypass
First of all, you need to accept the fact that when you visit a website, only thing you see is a code. Different programming languages like HTML, CSS, PHP and JavaScript work together to show you things meaningfully. Speaking of which, there are actually all zeros and ones. Website owners upload their content a computer and you can see inside of this computer via a cable called “Internet”. Thanks to browsers, they help us to view the source of the website and source codes lead us to the content we would like to download.
Instagram Hacking 101
1. Go to the image you want to download and click it. Be sure to enlarge the image by clicking before proceeding, this is important. You will see something like this:
2. Right click on the image and then click “Inspect”. If you are using Firefox, you will see “Inspect Element”, same thing.
3. Now you will see a new window which have codes in it. As you can see there is a highlighted part in that code, this is the element we are inspecting. Since we are looking for an image, we need to find a link which has something like “.jpg”, “.jpeg” or “.png” at the end of the link. But as you can see I still can’t see anything like this. Let’s keep looking then. Start with expanding triangle bullet above the highlighted code. Some of you might see a code starts with “<div style=” while some of you might see a code starts with “<div class=”. Either way, click the triangle bullet and expand it.
4. Links generally have “src” tag before themselves.
Firefox Instagram Downloader
Chrome and Firefox also underline all the links to make them easily recognizable.
Now you should be able to see a link like this: src=”https://igcdn-photos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xaf1/t51.2885-15/e35/12940286_1582897412002333_1384505658_n.jpg?ig_cache_key=MTIyNjAzMTE3NzQyNzY3MDU2Ng%3D%3D.2”.
5. When you hover over that link with your mouse cursor, you will see the preview of the image you would like to download. Double click that link and copy it.
Firefox Instagram Uploader
6. Paste this link into a new tab. Now you can right click and save the image.
BONUS: I mentioned that website owners upload their content to a computer. As you can see, Instagram is using Facebook’s computers for that job (kind of), that’s why you are seeing Facebook icon instead of Instagram icon at the top.
Now you feel like one hell of a Hacker, am I right?
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