To enable Markdown support in Simplenote, create a note, click the Info icon, and then select Markdown Formatted. The currently selected note and any new notes you create in the future will have this setting enabled automatically. The simplest way to keep notes. Light, clean, and free. Simplenote is now available for iOS, Android, Mac, and the web.
Simplenote Android will remember the last time you enabled or disabled Markdown on a note and apply that setting when notes are created. Markdown on Android does not support HTML tags. Entering something like, or will show the tag exactly as it is written and not formatted. The supported syntax is shown below. Today we’re excited to announce that Markdown support has been added to the latest update of Simplenote for iOS. To enable Markdown for a note, just tap on the ‘Markdown’ button in the note info panel. You can then swipe on the note editor to view the Markdown preview. Markdown support works pretty seamlessly. Tap the “i” icon on a note, enable Markdown, type out a note using standard Markdown formatting, and then you can swipe to view the Markdown preview.
All your notes, synced on all your devices. Get Simplenote now for iOS, Android, Mac, Windows, Linux, or in your browser.

Use it everywhere
Notes stay updated across all your devices, automatically and in real time. There’s no “sync” button: It just works.
Stay organized
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Share a to-do list, post some instructions, or publish your notes online.
Go back in time
Notes are backed up with every change, so you can see what you noted last week or last month.
Markdown support

Write, preview, and publish your notes in Markdown format. Pcf driver download for windows.
It’s free
Apps, backups, syncing, sharing – it’s all completely free.
Simplenote Markdown Link

If you’re not using Simplenote, you’re missing out.
TechCrunchSimplenote Markdown Cheat
If you’re looking for a cross-platform note-taking tool with just enough frills, it’s hard to look beyond Simplenote.
Simplenote Markdown Table
MacWorldIf you want a truly distraction-free environment then you can’t do better than Simplenote for your note-taking needs.
ZapierAvailable on all your devices

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