Haemolytic disease of the fetus and newborn (HDFN) is a disease which – if untreated – can cause perinatal mortality and morbidity with a substantial risk for long‐term sequelae 1-5. I hope now the hype train for Vox is over. I really liked they way they played, but the band wangon made me wanting them to lose so that some idiots would just stfu. 2015-05-16 18:25.
- Vox 2015 Holo
- Vox Programm Heute 2015
- Vox Medica Dalhousie 2015
- Vox 2015 Sticker
- Vox Elecciones 2015
- Vox 2015 Heute
Theodore Beale, commonly known by the pen name Vox Day, is an American who politically aligns himself with the nationalistright and traditionalism.[1][2] He is an author, blogger, editor, political commentator and computer game designer. Day is the lead editor of the Finland-based company Castalia House which publishes science fiction, books on military strategy and other works.[3] He is also the lead designer of Infogalactic, an alternative to Wikipedia.[4]
Formerly, Day self-identified with the alt-right, but due to the term alt-right being effectively mischaracterized by the mainstream press, he now self-identifies as being part of the nationalist right and believes the mainstream press will not be able to poison the term nationalist right.[5]
When Day self-identified with the alt-right, he wrote:
“ | I think the old conservatives would do well to call themselves Constitutionalists, because it is obvious that the current batch don't give a damn about it. And neither do we of the #AltRight, because it is obvious that the Constitution has not only failed, completely, by its own stated purpose, but is today being used as a means of hand-cuffing the Right. The #AltRight believes in three things: 1. Nationalism. 2. Western civilization. 3. Winning. Everything else is negotiable or a means to one of those three ends. We aren't conservatives. We aren't philosophers. And we don't care about the Constitution, the Rights of Man, the Enlightenment, the Holocaust, or anything else with capital letters that is likely to get in the way.[6] | ” |
As far as a key purpose of the U.S. Constitution, according to Day:
“ | As you probably know, my argument is that the Posterity for whom the Constitution is intended to defend the Blessings of Liberty consists solely of the genetic descendants of the People of the several and united States. Posterity does not include immigrants, descendants of immigrants, invaders, conquerers, tourists, students, Americans born in Portugal, or anyone else who happens to subsequently reside in the same geographic location, or share the same civic ideals, as the original We the People.[7] | ” |
He rejects the label of conservative because he maintains that modern-day 'conservatives are nothing more than progressives in slow motion.'[8]
Day is an advocate of 'tribes' and says he supports 'the right of tribes of every kind to exist...' (ethnic groups, political groups, social groups, etc.)[9] Day is critical of interracial relationships.[10][11][12][13] In addition, Day believes the United States should and will dissolve into tribes (and ideally peacefully).[14][15]
Day asserts that the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 was poor legislation and he believes that 'American culture is white culture.'[16][17] Day is of English, Irish, Mexican, and Native American descent (Day indicates his brother was genetically tested and that he shared the results with him).[18] Day indicates he has considerable Mexican heritage and is related to Mexican revolutionaries.[19]
Vox Day predicts that the United States will dissolve as a nation and predicts that this will happen by 2033.[20] According to Day, 'American freedom has been yielded', but one day it will be free again because 'Rebellion is in our blood. Independence is our birthright. Our fathers were the original revolutionaries.'[21]
- 5Vox Day's opposition to atheism and evolution
- 8Bibliography
Science fiction writer
Vox Day has authored a number of science fiction works.[22]
Day and his former self-identification with the alt-right
As noted above, previously Day self-identified with the alt-right, but due to the term alt-right being effectively mischaracterized by the mainstream press, he now self-identifies as being part of the nationalist right and believes the mainstream press will not be able to poison that term.[23]
Vox Day was a vocal proponent of the alt-right and argued that the alt-right will see substantial growth in the short-term and midterm due to immigration backlash and whites becoming a racial minority in the United States (Day argues that whites will embrace identity politics). In addition, Day believed that the alt-right had a long term future, but it must embrace cultural Christianity and support Christian revival if this is going to happen.[24]
Day also argued that right-wing parties in Europe started to grow quickly in Europe after they publicly dissociated themselves with neo-nazis. Day argued that alt-right could do the same. Furthermore, Day argues that Nazism is leftist and never has been right-wing.[25]
Day predicts that Muslims will be expelled from Europe
Day predicts that there will be a Reconquista 2.0 and that Muslims will be expelled out of Europe.[26]
Vox 2015 Holo
Vox Day's ideological battle related to the Hugo Awards
In 2015, Vox Day and others battled leftists in relation to the Hugo awards which are annual awards given to science fiction writers.[27] On April 4, 2015, Breitbart News reported that 'Hugo Awards Nominations Swept by Anti-SJW, Anti-Authoritarian Authors' (SJW is an acronym for the derisive term social justice warrior).[28]
Vox Day's opposition to atheism and evolution
Vox Day wrote the book Irrational atheist and he often criticizes atheism on his blog.[29]
Day is a creationist who believes in interpreting the Bible as literally as possible.[30] As as the age of the earth from a scientific perspective, Day quotes Dr. Sheldon Cooper who said 'geology isn't a real science'.[31]
PZ Myers' refusal to debate Vox Day
The Christian apologetic website True Free Thinker declares concerning the intellectual slothfulness of atheist and evolutionistPZ Myers:
Vox Programm Heute 2015
“ | PZ Myers dismisses Vox Day’s book The Irrational Atheist: Dissecting the Unholy Trinity of Dawkins, Harris, and Hitchens while admitting to only having read a few chapters. Yet, he refuses to debate Vox Day on the existence of God, or evolution for that matter (Myers being a professor of biology) based on dismissing a book he barely read (yes, it is merely a lame excuse which he peppered with a barrage of emotive ad hominems) — see Speaking of Assiduous Absconders…Yet Again, Vox Day Challenges PZ Myers to Debate.[32] | ” |
Vox Day and Peter Grant launch a boycott of Tor Books
On June 19, 2015 Vox Day and the science faction author Peter Grant launched a boycott due to actions of senior employees of Tor Books which they deem inappropriate. Until the employees are dismissed by their parent company MacMillan Books, they are encouraging the public not to purchase Tor Books.[33][34]
Grant indicates that he wants to help grow the boycott until it has a 'seven-figure annual impact'.[35] Grant further declares: 'What's more, in a SF/F market that's increasingly dominated by independent authors, with cratering sales among mainstream publishers and tight financial margins, even a small boycott may have an impact out of all proportion to its size.'[36]
According to Vox Day, although leftists feign indifference to the boycott, his website experienced a cyber attack.[37]
Vox Day wrote:
“ | It's rather amusing to see the many attacks by their own side the SJWs resolutely ignore as they go about their daily posturing and strike their latest outrage poses. Tor employees attack Tor's authors and customers alike, Castalia House has undergone six straight months of cracking attempts, Vox Popoli is now into its third straight day of a DDOS attack, hundreds of people emailing Tor Books have been accused of being bots by Tor employees even as as Tor supporters create fake tweets to feign public support for Tor, and yet science fiction's SJWs still preen and posture as if they're the good guys because a few hundred science fiction readers followed the rules and violated an unspoken gentlemen's agreement to which we were not privy and to which we never agreed.[38] | ” |
Personal life
Day is an American expatriate who lives in Italy with his wife and children.[39] He left the United States in the late 1990s after being unhappy with its politics/culture (especially its immigration policy).[40]
Day speaks English, Japanese, French, German and Italian.[41]
He is a member of Mensa, a club for individuals that scored in the top ninety-eight percentile on intelligence tests.
Selected book length works include:
- SJWs Always Lie: Taking Down the Thought Police (2015) ISBN 978-952-7065-68-6
- The Altar of Hate (2014) ISBN 978-952-7065-23-5
- The Last Witchking (2013) ISBN 978-952-7065-04-4
- The Wardog's Coin (2013) ISBN 978-1-935929-97-0
- A Throne of Bones (2012) ISBN 978-1-935929-82-6
- A Magic Broken (2012) ISBN 978-1-935929-79-6
- The Return of the Great Depression (2009) ISBN 978-1-935071-18-1
- Summa Elvetica: A Casuistry of the Elvish Controversy (2008) ISBN 978-0-9821049-2-7
- The Wrath of Angels (2006) ISBN 978-0-7434-6982-1
- The World in Shadow (2002) ISBN 978-0-671-02454-3
- The War in Heaven (2000) ISBN 978-0-7434-5344-8
Day contributed to:

- Cuckservative: How 'Conservatives' Betrayed America (2015), John Red Eagle, ASIN B018ZHHA52
- Quantum Mortis: A Mind Programmed (2014), Jeff Sutton, Jean Sutton. Castalia House. ISBN 978-952-7065-13-6
- Quantum Mortis: Gravity Kills (2013), Steve Rzasa. Marcher Lord Hinterlands. ISBN 978-952-7065-12-9
- Quantum Mortis: A Man Disrupted (2013), Steve Rzasa. Marcher Lord Hinterlands. ISBN 978-952-7065-10-5
- Rebel Moon (1996), Bruce Bethke. Pocket Books. ISBN 978-0-671-00236-7
- The Anthology at the End of the Universe (2004), Glen Yeffeth (editor). BenBella Books. ISBN 978-1-932100-56-3
- Archangels: The Fall (2005) ISBN 978-1-887814-15-7
- Revisiting Narnia: Fantasy, Myth, and Religion in C.S. Lewis' Chronicles (2005), Shanna Caughey (editor). BenBella Books. ISBN 978-1-932100-63-1
- Halo Effect (2007), Glenn Yeffeth (editor). BenBella Books. ISBN 978-1-933771-11-3
- You Do Not Talk About Fight Club (2008), Chuck Palahniuk (Foreword), Read Mercer Schuchardt (Editor). BenBella Books. ISBN 978-1-933771-52-6
- Stupefying Stories October 2011 (2011), Bruce Bethke (Editor). Rampant Loon Press. ASIN B005T5B9YC
- Stupefying Stories March 2012 (2012), Bruce Bethke (Editor). Rampant Loon Press. ASIN B007T3N0XK
Books written about atheism
- On the Existence of Gods by Vox Day and Dominic Saltarelli, Castalia House, 2016
- The Irrational Atheist: Dissecting the Unholy Trinity of Dawkins, Harris, And Hitchens by Vox Day, 2014 (Free sample PDF copy)
Vox Day on atheism and autism
See also:Atheism and autism
Meaning of the pen name Vox Day
'Vox Day' is presumably a play on the Latin expression vox dei, meaning 'the voice of God'. By using this nom de plume, Beale implies that he presumes to speak on God's behalf, while also showing off his knowledge of ancient languages and pun-making ability.
Vox Day and Conservapedia
Vox Day features a link to the Conservapediaatheism and evolution articles on his main blog in its blog roll.[42]
See also
External links
- Voxday.net (website)
Vox Medica Dalhousie 2015
- ↑We Won That One by Vox Day]
- ↑Why he left the conservative movement
- ↑Castilia House - Bio of Vox Day
- ↑Nolan, Lucas (2016-10-10). Infogalactic Launches as Alternative to Biased Wikipedia. Breitbart. Retrieved on 2016-11-05.
- ↑We Won That One by Vox Day]
- ↑Who killed conservatism
- ↑Posterity: TK vs VD by Vox Day
- ↑Why he left the conservative movement
- ↑You can't kick us out; we already left
- ↑Step Two: Eau De Poopy by Vox Day
- ↑Mail: mudshark in the making? by Vox Day
- ↑John Piper Celebrates Mudsharking
- ↑Not paying for phone > honor killing by Vox Day
- ↑Pirates, preferences, and the post-timorous
- ↑Ron Paul on secession by Vox Day
- ↑The abolition of America
- ↑Whom the gods would destroy
- ↑Did not see that coming
- ↑Mailvox: refuting the rhetorical by Vox Day
- ↑Ron Paul on secession by Vox Day
- ↑11 years of failure by Vox Day, WND
- ↑Amazon - Books by Theodore Beale
- ↑We Won That One by Vox Day]
- ↑Christianity, Paganism and the alt-right
- ↑The Leftwing Nazi
- ↑These are Merkel's Dead
- ↑The Hugo Wars: How Sci-fi’s Most Prestigious Awards Became a Political Battleground
- ↑Hugo Awards Nominations Swept by Anti-SJW, Anti-Authoritarian Authors
- ↑Vox Day's articles on atheism
- ↑An agnostic review of TIA
- ↑Mailvox: evolution and the slippery slope
- ↑http://www.truefreethinker.com/articles/pz-myers-emotively-vociferous-intellectually-mute
- ↑The Tor boycott is on by Peter Grant
- ↑Tor Boycott announced by Vox Day
- ↑The Tor boycott is on by Peter Grant
- ↑The Tor boycott is on by Peter Grant
- ↑So very unconcerned
- ↑Delusion and deterrence
- ↑Mike Ceronvich Tweet (Ceronovich is a fried of Day)
- ↑The country left him
- ↑Johnson, Greg. 'Greg Johnson Interviews Vox Day'. Counter-Currents Publishing. Retrieved 27 Jan 2016.
- ↑Vox Popoli
These media sources are moderately to strongly biased toward liberal causes through story selection and/or political affiliation. They may utilize strong loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes), publish misleading reports and omit reporting of information that may damage liberal causes. Some sources in this category may be untrustworthy. See all Left Bias sources.
- Overall, we rate Vox Left Biased due to wording and story selection that routinely favors the left. We also rate them Mostly Factual in reporting, rather than High, due to two failed fact checks, with only one offering a correction.
Vox 2015 Sticker
Detailed Report
Bias Rating: LEFT
Factual Reporting: MOSTLY FACTUAL
Country: USA (45/180 Press Freedom)
Media Type: Website
Traffic/Popularity: High Traffic
Founded in 2014, Vox is a news hub run by Vox Media (Not to be confused with Vox German TV channel). Co-founded by former Washington PostcolumnistEzra Klein who is also an editor. Melissa Bell is the vice president of growth and analytics, and former Slate Columnist Matthew Yglesias is editor and a columnist for Vox.
Funded by / Ownership
Vox Media is owned by Vox Media, a digital publishing network founded by Jerome Armstrong, Tyler Bleszinski, and Markos Moulitsas and based in Washington, D.C. According to a Nieman Lab article,Vox Media has eight editorial brands and a custom advertising division. These are (sports-focused) SB Nation, (tech site) The Verge, (video game site) Polygon, (real estate blog) Curbed, (food and nightlife) Eater, (technology news) Racked, (news hub) Vox and (technology business) Recode. Further, a New York Times article dated 2015 states that NBC Universal, which Comcast owns, invested $200 Million in Vox Media.
Vox Elecciones 2015
Analysis / Bias
According to a Politico interviewwith the editor, Ezra Klein, Klein describes their goal as “to use technology to improve readers’ experience and understanding of events.” Vox has introduced Vox Card Stacks, and with those cards, theyorganize information, in index card format, about all kinds of topics in the news with in-depth details but in a summary form. Some examples are:“Everything you need to know about Israel-Palestine” and “The spread of marijuana legalization, explained.” Vox also has a feature called StoryStream, where they provide real-time updates to news stories.
In review, Vox looks at the issues from a progressive liberal perspective, and there is also an anti-Trump tone in their reporting. Therefore, the majority of stories are pro-left and anti-right. Further, Vox publishes stories with emotionally loaded headlines such as “Are Democrats brave enough to run a woman against Donald Trump?” and “The most depressing energy chart of the year- Coal has got to go” When it comes to sourcing, Vox typically utilizes credible sources such as the NY Times,Associated Press, and Bloomberg.
Failed Fact Checks
- Did wages fall by 1.8 percent after Donald Trump’s tax cut? – MOSTLY FALSE
Vox 2015 Heute
Overall, we rate Vox Left Biased due to wording and story selection that routinely favors the left. We also rate them Mostly Factual in reporting, rather than High, due to two failed fact checks, with only one offering a correction. (5/15/2016) Updated (M. Huitsing 03/10/2021)
Source: https://www.vox.com/
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